Friday, February 1, 2008

My Run-in with the Law

So it finally happened. My worst fears have been realized. Now I officially have a police record.

Yesterday, I went to the library to find a book for my English class. Not any book in particular. It actually could have been a great many books. With so many options, one would think that I would be able to find something suitable in less than 30 minutes. Instead it took me about two hours.

By the time that I found something that I thought might work, I had a headache and was exhausted. I trudged up the two flights of stairs and turned to head out the door.

A second later, the alarms were sounding and I scurried back through the security gate. Fortunately, the guard at the desk was my friend from choir. Unfortunately, my friend has an impressive sense of duty. I guess the library policy is that if anyone walks through the gate with a contraband library book they have to call police dispatch and do a background check.

It turns out the BYU Police already know all sorts of things about me. Now they know that I steal books.

After I had been reported and my thieving nature had been permanantly recorded, I went to circulation to mend my ways and check out the book honestly. They informed me that before I could check out any book, I had to pay a fine. To make matter worse, they made me go up the LRC to do so.

I eventually escaped with my book, but 30 minutes, two dollars, and a trip up the stairs later. Oh, yes. And one more thing. An official criminal record.

There go my chances of ever being in the FBI.


Crolace said...

I think you can still be in the FBI (as long as you're comfortable shooting people). If everything that ever ended up in the Police Beat section of the Daily Universe went on someone's permanent criminal record, we'd be in real trouble.

Man o Steel said...

Firstly, I would like formally voice my disapproval of the above comment about shooting people

Secondly, you can still be in the FBI. As long as the book wasn't an illegal drug, then you're fine. The FBI disqualifiers are you cannot have any convictions of a felony, have ever used an illegal drug, default a student loan, or fail to register for selective service.

Thirdly, you can still be connected to the FBI in other ways besides being an agent. For example, you could be a poster child for the most wanted list.

mlh said...

The CIA will still take you.

mlh said...

(And I read the title as "run with my in-law" with is totally different.)