Crolace: I am the queen of multiple choice.
me: I do really poorly on multiple choice
I much prefer short answer
Crolace: Unfortunately, it's not a useful skill once you leave school.
me: Unless you are on "The Price is Right"
Crolace: Or Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?
me: Yep
Maybe you should do that
I'm more of a Jeopardy sort of guy
Except that I'm no good at that either
Crolace: Jeopardy is short answer.
Short Question.
me: Short hard question
Crolace: Have you ever noticed that the questions never REALLY go with the answers?
me: I think they do a little bit
Crolace: Like, if I said to you, "Who is George Washington?"
Would you say, "This 18th century military leader had wooden teeth."?
I don't think you would.
me: If I didn't know anything else about him I might
Crolace: Would you say it in that way though?
me: Not so much
Crolace: They should phrase the clues more like, "He was the guy with the wooden teeth."
me: But then it could be Pinocchio
Crolace: Yeah, then they could accept either answer.
me: It would become a little more like family feud
except for no family
Crolace: Actually, if I asked someone, "Who is George Washington?"
They'd probably say, "Are you serious?"
They should have a jeopardy clue that just says, "Are you serious?"
me: Then it could still be Pinocchio
Crolace: And the person who says the most ridiculous question wins.
It would be for that round where everyone writes their answer on that blue thing.
me: I think it's a good idea
I'm glad to see you started posting again. And happy to see that you enjoyed my thoughts on Jeopardy and Child Advocacy.
I am glad to see this comment from crolace because I might be a little nervous if someone starting posting what I said to them in a chat on their blog. I'm glad Crolace approves.
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